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Epic standoff between Brighton squatters and Sussex police yesterday as new anti squatting legislation is used for the first time in Brighton. It took the police three hours to smash through barricades only to find squatters super glued together in the attic! Three were arrested, despite not actually living in the property, and to our knowledge are still in police custody. Full story here:

Also, 5 others were arrested in Somerset yesterday in a police raid on a squatted residential property. Those arrested were aged between 16 – 18. We don’t yet know if they are going to be charged. Watch this space for updates.

Solidarity to all. 

   Whatever they say, Squatting will stay!!


As you are all aware, squatting in residential properties has now been made a criminal offence. This new law will not apply to everyone though. The Squatters Advisory Service have produced a legal notice explaining to the police how the new law doesn’t apply to certain types of squat. 

Good luck everyone! 


Wow. We just discovered these awesome free stencils from the Anarchist Media Project. Let’s get them to every squat in the UK. Please share/repost/retweet or get some printed, get on your bike and cycle them out around town!

We wouldn’t ever encourage criminality but hey! Seeing as you’re likely to become criminalised on Saturday why not get out there and graffiti them round your local area!! (We’re joking, of course…)

Below are our favourite stencils, the rest can be found here:

Big up to the Anarchist Media Project!!


We attended an emergency meeting last Monday to discuss ways of dealing with the new leglislation. Organised by the Advisory Service for Squatters, a large number of squatters came together to work out exactly what is meant by the new law and in what ways the squatting community can come together to support eachother. The following important points were raised:

1. The new law does not affect you if you have some sort of licence to be in the property or if you were tenants/subtenants. This means that if the owner of the property has said that it’s o’k for you to stay in it then you are doing nothing wrong. If you don’t have anything in writing, write down the time/date of when you had contact with the owner and summarise the conversation that was had. If the police do show up, you can show them that you and your housemates have a licence and thus are not breaking the law.

2. If you are in a building that is both residential and commercial (ex a shop/pub) it is important that you do not live in the residential part of the building. We guess it would be o.k for you to use the residential area for other purposes, such as storage etc. However, make sure the sleeping and kitchen areas are in the commerical part of the premises so you can protect yourself from breaking the law.

3. The squatting community is gonig to come under an enormous amount of pressure as the effects of this new legislation kick in. Now is the time to network, join together and show solidarity with eachother so we can minimise the distress caused as much as possible. If you are in a commercial building there are many ways you can support fellow squatters.For example, offering storage space for the important possessions of those suddenly kicked out on the street could be helpful.

A few weeks after this legislation comes into force there will be a squattastic event. This will allow us to come together again as a community and see how the law is being used & share coping strategies & support. Watch this space for more details.

Solidarity to all, together we’ll get through this. Remember…



We have recently been informed that as of the 1st September 2012 squatting in residential properties will become a criminal offence. Here’s a statement from an ASS member:

‘The new law will be coming into force on the 1st September (sorry for any confusion) and we need to be prepared. You will not be committing an offence if you are squatting in non-residential property, if you have a licence or tenancy, if you are not living in the property or intending to live there (just visiting).
Make sure you are prepared to explain why the new law does not cover your circumstances.’

We want to emphasise that we need to organise and be prepared for this law change. Our advice to those squatting in residential properties is as follows:

1.  If you are ‘just visiting’ people who are squatting in residential properties then this law does not apply to you. The police will need to prove that you were living or intending to live in the property in order for you to be arrested. It should be o.k for you to gather your friends possessions in case of eviction, just explain to the police that you are doing so. 

2. Have a back up plan and be ready. Make sure your possessions are packed and ready to be moved. Start looking now for a place to move to. Join up with other crews and support each other. This will be vital for the survival of the squatting community.

Please do get in contact if you need any further support/advice. Call us on 07591 415860. We are usually contactable 24/7 although if your call is not urgent then  call during the daytime. If no credit text/miss call us and we’ll get back to you asap. 

Solidarity to all. 


Wow! We love this story. Don’t let bailiffs intimidate you. If this lady can stand up to them so can you!

It goes to show the elderly really can be a force to be reckoned with. This story reminds us of an awesome poem by London spoken word performer, Furious George. Anarchist O.A.P’s smashing the state – good stuff! Check it out….


In the Royal London intensive care unit there is a squatter who is in critical condition. In the early hours of Saturday morning he jumped from the roof of his squat to escape a raging fire, falling 8 metres. The fire ripped through the disused salvation army building and tragically took the life of one of the inhabitants. In total there were 3 admitted to hospital, a man and woman were discharged on Saturday after receiving treatment for smoke inhalation.

We have been doing all we can to verify the identity of the squatter in intensive care so the nurses can contact his family and friends. Sadly, we have still not been able to do so. We visited intensive care yesterday and can give the following information:

*Possibly called ‘Luca’?

*Tall, slim build, medium length brown dreadlocks, tanned skin. Tattoos on both left and right arms. The one on his left fore arm is the outline of a star. On his right upper arm some sort of machine style tat, quite small. He’s also got large tribal tattoos on both of his upper thighs.
*Our guess would be that he’s Italian/Brazilian/Spanish? 

Please ask around to see if anyone knows who this person is and get in touch asap if you can help. 

To read more, see the link below.

**UPDATE: 07/08 The squatter has now been identified and his family informed. Many thanks to those who showed support   **


Hunger strikers
Benefit cuts demonstrators on hunger strike

Yet another story of people being made homeless due to the coalitions housing benefit caps.

Housing benefit caps were introduced nationally in January 2012. They set a limit for the amount of money people can recieve from the government to help them pay their rent, restricting the maximum payment to between £250 and £400 a week depending on the number of bedrooms. Research carried out by the Chartered Institute of Housing for the Guardian newspaper has analysed the impact of caps to the local housing allowance on homes across the UK.It found 720,000 homes will become unaffordable to those on low incomes in England, 60,000 in Scotland, and 30,000 in Wales. London and the south east will be hit hardest, where a quarter of a million homes will become unaffordable.

Those who are struggling to pay their rent will inevitably find themselves and their families served with eviction notices. More and more landlords are refusing to let properties to those recieving benefit while average rents in the private housing sector continue to rise. These factors make finding a new home extremely difficult and thus homelessness is increasingly becoming a reality for many cash strapped families.

The Eviction Resistance Network strongly condemn evictions of those who are struggling to pay rent in times of austerity. We urge communities to network, be open about financial struggles and injustices and, most importantly, get out on the streets and support eachother. See our useful contacts page to find more information about local support groups.


Yes. Yes it is. But for how much longer we are unsure. As many of you are aware, section 144 of the LASPO act 2012 states that squatting in residential buildings is now a criminal offence. However, when this will come into force we are not yet sure, with some sources saying September at the earliest. The Advisory Service for Squatters has produced a very comprehensive leaflet titled ‘Squatting Made Less Simple’ which explains how they expect the law to be understood. It’s definately worth a read if you are unsure about the upcoming legislation and how it might affect the squatting community. You can find the leaflet here:

This leglislation is a direct attack on our peaceful communities. It will overnight make innocent people into criminals. The time for lobbying and campaigning is over. It’s time to take action. Get involved, join the resistance. 



Over the past few weeks we’ve been out to support several groups of squatters who have been threatened by owners claiming the right to demolish their buildings. These threats can be made despite a possession order not being issued to the owner.  So, when the bulldozers in town what’s to do?

Well the good news is property owners can’t have a property demolished with people inside. Obviously, that could be murder. So, they have to get you out before work can commence, i.e, take you to court. Remind them of this and then firmly state that you will not be leaving the property until ordered to do so by court. If they continue to threaten then let them call the builders in. No demolition company would even consider knocking down a building when there are people inside, much as the owners may want them to. Getting done for manslaughter is really not top of demolition companies to do lists.

So, there really is very little possibility of any work starting on the property without your consent/a possession order granted and executed. If you’re still not feeling comfortable, give us a call and we’d be more than happy to talk to that owner for you.

Aside from demolition, what about if there is building work allegedly due to start on the property? Your very irate owner comes banging on the door screaming about how the builders *gasp* were supposed to start today and because of YOU *gasp* they can’t! Well, this is a trickier situation. In they eyes of the law, you still have the right to remain in your home until a court says otherwise. Section 6 still applies, whether its
residential or commercial premises. However, you may want to consider moving on. For many, squatting is about sheltering in abandoned, disused buildings and putting them back to use. If there is genuine building work about to start then the building is obviously going to be used and thus won’t be your home for much longer. You are still perfectly entitled to go through the court process though.

Irrespective of your views on the right thing to do in such situations, it’s always a good idea to check that there really is building work about to commence. One way of doing this is by searching online for planning applications for your building. Type the relevant council followed by to get to the main website. The planning application search is normally in the section called ‘environment’. When you ‘ve found it, type your address into the search box. If results come up look at them closely, how old is the application and what is it’s status? If
the status is ‘granted’ then it means the owner has permission to do building work. If then status is ‘pending’ then the council are still deciding whether to accept or reject the application. If the status says ‘denied’ then it’s not happening.

So, all in all, don’t let the threat of demolition/building work worry you. Chances are it’s likely to be an empty threat. Do check it out though and get in touch if you need any advice.