Eviction Resistance
Email: info[at]evictionresistance[dot]org[dot]uk
Twitter: [at] EResistance
Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth
Join HASL’s anti-eviction phone network to help spread information on evictions and take action with residents against possession orders!
Simply send a text with your name to the number above to join. If you have any relevant information to share text it to this number for distribution across the network.
Text STOP to remove yourself from the network.
Radical Housing Network
The Radical Housing Network is made up of groups fighting for housing justice, based in London. To find your nearest housing group: http://radicalhousingnetwork.org/about/who-we-are
Free legal advice clinics (London)
The LawWorks Clinics Network is a nationwide network of free legal advice sessions .Clinics provide free initial advice to individuals on various areas of law including social welfare issues, employment law, housing matters and consumer disputes.
Squatters Action for Secure Homes (SQUASH)
www.squashcampaign.org.uk / info[at]squashcampaign,org
Squash help produce honest media about those who are vulnerable and facing eviction and are currently campaigning against further criminalization of squatting.
Advisory Service for Squatters (ASS)
www.squatter.org / advice[at]squatter.org.uk/ 020 3216 0099
A.S.S provide legal advice for squatters who have been served legal papers and are preparing for court.
Hackney Housing Action Group
Hackney Housing Group meets every other Saturday to give and receive support on housing problems and campaign for better housing. They are not a service, they work collectively to solve peoples problems.
Haringey Solidarity Group
A group of local people who want to get rid of the current system which places profit before people’s real needs. They support notions of community power and fighting back against evictions and injustices.
Tower Hamlets Renters
Supporting private tenants in Tower Hamlets and campaigning for better housing for all.
Southwark Notes
Campaigning against gentrification in the Southwark area
Hackney DIGS
Campaigning for a better deal for people renting locally and a private tenant information and support group
Lambeth Renters
A group of private renters in the Lambeth area campaigning for better housing.